15th Anniversary Benefit
Saturday November 7, 2015
12 pm to 5 pm (or whenever!)
67330 29 Palms Hwy.
Chili, Salad, and Cornbread.....$6.00
Raffle Prizes, Drawings, T-shirts
Grand Prize Drawing
Music by Ramblin' George
Western Shoot-outs by Gunfighters for Hire
For more information contact Fran or Steve at J.A.M.E.S.
576 Longview Road, 29 Palms CA 92277
Your donation is tax deductible and goes directly to the care and maintenance of the horses at JAMES!
JAMES is a 501©3 Non-Profit Organization
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt agency your donations of equipment, feed, supplies or funds are deductible to the full extent allowable by law. Please consult your tax advisor for details.