Hi! My name is Tommy Boy and my Mom is Sitara. I was born on April 5, 2007 - the very first foal ever to be born at JAMES. The volunteers were looking forward to watching me be born early in May and had a “foal watch” all planned. You can imagine how surprised Fran was when she came home from a breakfast meeting to find that I had arrived early and was already making friends with my Mom’s next door neighbor, Chance.
My Mom hadn’t been taken care of very well before I was born and everyone at JAMES was a little worried that something might be wrong with me when I was born. But here I am – healthy, strong, handsome and growing fast! I’m learning how to make all four of my spindly legs work at the same time and that walking all over Steve’s feet isn’t a good thing. Chewing hay is okay but apparently fingers are off limits. So much for such a little guy like me to remember!
I have a lot to learn before I can behave like the other horses here, but for now Fran is just letting me be a baby. One of the volunteers, Miss Tera, has adopted me and will be my new Mom when I’m weaned at the end of the summer. That’s when they say all the “work” is going to start, so right now I’m just being a normal mischievous little boy and enjoying all the attention that Fran, Steve and the volunteers give me.