Welcome to the web site of the
Jack Auchterlonie Memorial Equine Sanctuary (JAMES)
They stand proudly, heads held high,
remembering a long-ago yesterday
when the boundaries of their world
were limitless and horses moved
as freely as the wind.
This legacy beats in their hearts.
It lies in the depth of their gaze.
And though man may hold the reins,
their spirits will always belong
only to the wind.
Stop Equine Slaughter!
Join J.A.M.E.S. in supporting the anti-slaughter bill authored by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. The goal of the bill is to prohibit the slaughter of American horses for human consumption abroad. The bill will soon be introduced in Congress by Senator Feinstein and will be referred to as SB (number to come) Feinstein Bill or merely the Horse Slaughter Bill. You can help support this bill by contacting your senators and respectfully request that they be listed as co-sponsors on the Feinstein Horse Slaughter Bill. You can also visit "HOOFPAC" and add your organization's name to the list of supporters.
Why Do Horses Need Rescue?
"Premarin farms and similar overproduction at other breeding facilities, abuse, neglect, illnesses, injuries; these circumstances lead to danger and often unnecessary death (perhaps at slaughterhouses) for horses. This is where the rescuers step in."
Click here to
A Horse's Prayer
To Thee, my master, I offer my prayer.
Feed me, water and care for me, and when the day's work is done, provide me with shelter, a clean, dry bed and stall wide enough for me to lie down in comfort.
Always be kind to me. Your voice often means as much to me as the reins.
Never strike, beat, or kick me when I don't understnad what you want, but give me the chance to understand you.
Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you.
Make sure that I am properly shod that I may serve you in comfort.
And finally, Oh My Master, when my useful strength is gone, do not turn me out to starve or freeze or sell me to some cruel owner to be slowly tortured and starved to death; but do thou, My master, take my life in the kindest way and your God will reward you here and hereafter.
You will not consider me irreverent if I ask this in the name of Him who was born in a stable.
AMEN - Author Unknown
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt agency your donations of equipment, feed, supplies or funds are deductible to the full extent allowable by law. Please consult your tax advisor for details.